De tekeningen, allemaal op A4, werden het kleurboek “Soul Kitchen”. Het zit in een golfkartonnen mapje met een handig handvat. De map kan als een tekentafeltje of als een wandmap gebruikt worden. Het is gemaakt door de Georgische kartonfabriek Mukao, en nu ook verkrijgbaar in Rotterdam.
Mukao maakt innovatieve producten van golfkarton met aandacht voor ontwerp en milieu. De map is herbruikbaar en biologisch afbreekbaar.
Kom Kleuren!
Come and Color!
Event for kids and grown-ups.
You can join and color with us various drawings from the coloring book “Soul Kitchen” depicting everyday objects and invented shapes.
These drawings are made during the pandemic by visual artist Sophia Tabatadze, where she registered her home observations during the lockdown. Strange combinations took place in her home where her six years old kid lives with her: toy lizards were taped on the sled in the living room, the flat-iron met drawing materials on the kitchen table and so on... so instead of cleaning up Sophia started noticing these combinations and drawing them on A4 papers, instead of trying to go to the studio she brought her studio home.
Later these drawings were turned into a coloring book “Sould Kitchen”. This coloring book is placed in a multifunctional corrugated cardboard folder with a carrying handle. This folder can be turned into an easel and a wall pocket. This product was produced by a Georgian company Mukao and is now available in Rotterdam.
Mukao creates innovative products from corrugated cardboard. The products of Mukao have refined designs and are made of certified eco-friendly raw materials, production takes place in Georgia. The product is reusable and biodegradable.